231 lines
6.7 KiB
231 lines
6.7 KiB
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:recon/apis/record_api.dart';
import 'package:recon/clients/api_client.dart';
import 'package:recon/models/inventory/resonite_directory.dart';
import 'package:recon/models/records/record.dart';
enum SortMode {
int sortFunction(Record a, Record b, {bool reverse = false}) {
final func = switch (this) {
SortMode.name => (Record x, Record y) =>
SortMode.date => (Record x, Record y) => x.creationTime.compareTo(y.creationTime),
if (reverse) {
return func(b, a);
return func(a, b);
static const Map<SortMode, IconData> _iconsMap = {
SortMode.name: Icons.sort_by_alpha,
SortMode.date: Icons.access_time_outlined
IconData get icon => _iconsMap[this] ?? Icons.question_mark;
class InventoryClient extends ChangeNotifier {
final ApiClient apiClient;
final Map<String, Record> _selectedRecords = {};
Future<ResoniteDirectory>? _currentDirectory;
SortMode _sortMode = SortMode.name;
bool _sortReverse = false;
InventoryClient({required this.apiClient});
SortMode get sortMode => _sortMode;
bool get sortReverse => _sortReverse;
set sortMode(SortMode mode) {
if (_sortMode != mode) {
_sortMode = mode;
set sortReverse(bool reverse) {
if (_sortReverse != reverse) {
_sortReverse = reverse;
List<Record> get selectedRecords => _selectedRecords.values.toList();
Future<ResoniteDirectory>? get directoryFuture => _currentDirectory?.then(
(ResoniteDirectory value) {
(ResoniteDirectory a, ResoniteDirectory b) => _sortMode.sortFunction(a.record, b.record, reverse: _sortReverse),
return value;
bool get isAnyRecordSelected => _selectedRecords.isNotEmpty;
bool isRecordSelected(Record record) => _selectedRecords.containsKey(record.id);
int get selectedRecordCount => _selectedRecords.length;
bool get onlyFilesSelected => _selectedRecords.values
.every((element) => element.recordType != RecordType.link && element.recordType != RecordType.directory);
void clearSelectedRecords() {
Future<void> deleteSelectedRecords() async {
for (final recordId in _selectedRecords.keys) {
await RecordApi.deleteRecord(apiClient, recordId: recordId);
void toggleRecordSelected(Record record) {
if (_selectedRecords.containsKey(record.id)) {
} else {
_selectedRecords[record.id] = record;
Future<List<Record>> _getDirectory(Record record) async {
ResoniteDirectory? dir;
try {
dir = await _currentDirectory;
} catch (_) {}
final List<Record> records;
if (dir == null || record.isRoot) {
records = await RecordApi.getUserRecordsAt(
path: ResoniteDirectory.rootName,
} else {
if (record.recordType == RecordType.link) {
final linkRecord =
await RecordApi.getUserRecord(apiClient, recordId: record.linkRecordId, user: record.linkOwnerId);
records = await RecordApi.getUserRecordsAt(apiClient,
path: "${linkRecord.path}\\${record.name}", user: linkRecord.ownerId);
} else {
records =
await RecordApi.getUserRecordsAt(apiClient, path: "${record.path}\\${record.name}", user: record.ownerId);
return records;
void loadInventoryRoot() {
final rootRecord = Record.inventoryRoot();
final rootFuture = _getDirectory(rootRecord).then(
(records) {
final rootDir = ResoniteDirectory(
record: rootRecord,
children: [],
records.map((e) => ResoniteDirectory.fromRecord(record: e, parent: rootDir)).toList(),
return rootDir;
_currentDirectory = rootFuture;
void forceNotify() => notifyListeners();
Future<void> reloadCurrentDirectory() async {
final dir = await _currentDirectory;
if (dir == null) {
throw "Failed to reload: No directory loaded.";
_currentDirectory = _getDirectory(dir.record).then(
(records) {
final children = records.map((record) => ResoniteDirectory.fromRecord(record: record, parent: dir)).toList();
final newDir = ResoniteDirectory(record: dir.record, children: children, parent: dir.parent);
final parentIdx = dir.parent?.children.indexOf(dir) ?? -1;
if (parentIdx != -1) {
dir.parent?.children[parentIdx] = newDir;
return newDir;
).onError((error, stackTrace) {
return dir;
Future<void> navigateTo(Record record) async {
final dir = await _currentDirectory;
if (dir == null) {
throw "Failed to open: No directory loaded.";
if (record.recordType != RecordType.directory && record.recordType != RecordType.link) {
throw "Failed to open: Record is not a directory.";
final childDir = dir.findChildByRecord(record);
if (childDir == null) {
throw "Failed to open: Record is not a child of current directory.";
Object? caughtError;
if (childDir.isLoaded) {
_currentDirectory = Future.value(childDir);
} else {
_currentDirectory = _getDirectory(record).then(
(records) {
.addAll(records.map((record) => ResoniteDirectory.fromRecord(record: record, parent: childDir)));
return childDir;
).onError((error, stackTrace) {
caughtError = error;
return dir;
await _currentDirectory;
// Dirty hack to throw the error here instead of letting the FutureBuilder handle it. This means we can keep showing
// the previous directory while also being able to display the error as a snackbar.
if (caughtError != null) {
throw caughtError!;
Future<void> navigateUp({int times = 1}) async {
if (times == 0) return;
var dir = await _currentDirectory;
if (dir == null) {
throw "Failed to navigate up: No directory loaded.";
if (dir.record.isRoot) {
throw "Failed navigate up: Already at root";
for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
dir = dir?.parent;
_currentDirectory = Future.value(dir);