Nutcake 812148658d
Add iOS support (#18)
* add web support and remove all tabs except chat

* Update

* feat: setup project for xcode builds + add other tabs back

* chore: update macos podfile

* chore: update packages + update build config + add audio playback on iOS/macOS + swap downloader library

* chore: remove ide-specific files

* chore: update readme

* chore: update build.gradle to reflect correct minSdkVersion

* chore: remove generated ic_launcher png files

* chore: update formatting to use 120 char line length

* chore: address use of then method on awaited future

* chore: update app icons for macOS & iOS

* Fix file move not waiting for download finish


Co-authored-by: lumey <>
Co-authored-by: Garrett <>
2023-11-14 20:28:14 +01:00

98 lines
3.6 KiB

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