import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:recon/models/authentication_data.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart'; import '../config.dart'; class ApiClient { static const String totpKey = "TOTP"; static const String userIdKey = "userId"; static const String machineIdKey = "machineId"; static const String tokenKey = "token"; static const String passwordKey = "password"; static const String uidKey = "uid"; ApiClient({required AuthenticationData authenticationData, required this.onLogout}) : _authenticationData = authenticationData; final AuthenticationData _authenticationData; final Logger _logger = Logger("API"); // Saving the context here feels kinda cringe ngl final Function() onLogout; final http.Client _client = http.Client(); AuthenticationData get authenticationData => _authenticationData; String get userId => _authenticationData.userId; bool get isAuthenticated => _authenticationData.isAuthenticated; static Future tryLogin({ required String username, required String password, bool rememberMe = true, bool rememberPass = true, String? oneTimePad, }) async { final body = { (username.contains("@") ? "email" : "username"): username.trim(), "authentication": { "\$type": "password", "password": password, }, "rememberMe": rememberMe, "secretMachineId": const Uuid().v4(), }; final uid = const Uuid().v4().replaceAll("-", ""); final response = await buildFullUri("/userSessions"), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "UID": uid, if (oneTimePad != null) totpKey: oneTimePad, }, body: jsonEncode(body), ); if (response.statusCode == 403 && response.body == totpKey) { throw totpKey; } if (response.statusCode == 400) { throw "Invalid Credentials"; } checkResponseCode(response); final data = jsonDecode(response.body); data["entity"]["uid"] = uid; final authData = AuthenticationData.fromMap(data); if (authData.isAuthenticated) { const FlutterSecureStorage storage = FlutterSecureStorage( aOptions: AndroidOptions(encryptedSharedPreferences: true), ); await storage.write(key: userIdKey, value: authData.userId); await storage.write(key: machineIdKey, value: authData.secretMachineIdHash); await storage.write(key: tokenKey, value: authData.token); await storage.write(key: uidKey, value: authData.uid); if (rememberPass) await storage.write(key: passwordKey, value: password); } return authData; } static Future tryCachedLogin() async { const FlutterSecureStorage storage = FlutterSecureStorage( aOptions: AndroidOptions(encryptedSharedPreferences: true), ); String? userId = await userIdKey); String? machineId = await machineIdKey); String? token = await tokenKey); String? password = await passwordKey); String? uid = await uidKey); if (userId == null || machineId == null || uid == null) { return AuthenticationData.unauthenticated(); } if (token != null) { final response = await http.patch(buildFullUri("/userSessions"), headers: { "Authorization": "res $userId:$token", "UID": uid, }); if (response.statusCode < 300) { return AuthenticationData( userId: userId, token: token, secretMachineIdHash: machineId, isAuthenticated: true, uid: uid, ); } } if (password != null) { try { userId = userId.startsWith("U-") ? userId.replaceRange(0, 2, "") : userId; final loginResult = await tryLogin(username: userId, password: password, rememberPass: true); if (loginResult.isAuthenticated) return loginResult; } catch (_) { // We don't need to notify the user if the cached login fails behind the scenes, so just ignore any exceptions. } } return AuthenticationData.unauthenticated(); } Future logout() async { const FlutterSecureStorage storage = FlutterSecureStorage( aOptions: AndroidOptions(encryptedSharedPreferences: true), ); await storage.delete(key: userIdKey); await storage.delete(key: machineIdKey); await storage.delete(key: tokenKey); await storage.delete(key: passwordKey); onLogout(); } Future extendSession() async { final response = await patch("/userSessions"); if (response.statusCode != 204) { throw "Failed to extend session."; } } void checkResponse(http.Response response) { if (response.statusCode == 403) { tryCachedLogin().then((value) { if (!value.isAuthenticated) { onLogout(); } }); } checkResponseCode(response); } static void checkResponseCode(http.Response response) { if (response.statusCode < 300) return; final error = "${response.request?.method ?? "Unknown Method"}|${response.request?.url ?? "Unknown URL"}: ${switch (response.statusCode) { 429 => "You are being rate limited.", 403 => "You are not authorized to do that.", 404 => "Resource not found.", 500 => "Internal server error.", _ => "Unknown Error." }} (${response.statusCode}${kDebugMode && response.body.isNotEmpty ? "|${response.body}" : ""})"; FlutterError.reportError(FlutterErrorDetails( exception: error, stack: StackTrace.current, )); throw error; } Map get authorizationHeader => _authenticationData.authorizationHeader; static Uri buildFullUri(String path) => Uri.parse("${Config.apiBaseUrl}$path"); Future get(String path, {Map? headers}) async { headers ??= {}; headers.addAll(authorizationHeader); final response = await _client.get(buildFullUri(path), headers: headers);"GET $path => ${response.statusCode}${response.statusCode >= 300 ? ": ${response.body}" : ""}"); return response; } Future post(String path, {Object? body, Map? headers}) async { headers ??= {}; headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; headers.addAll(authorizationHeader); final response = await, headers: headers, body: body);"PST $path => ${response.statusCode}${response.statusCode >= 300 ? ": ${response.body}" : ""}"); return response; } Future put(String path, {Object? body, Map? headers}) async { headers ??= {}; headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; headers.addAll(authorizationHeader); final response = await _client.put(buildFullUri(path), headers: headers, body: body);"PUT $path => ${response.statusCode}${response.statusCode >= 300 ? ": ${response.body}" : ""}"); return response; } Future delete(String path, {Map? headers}) async { headers ??= {}; headers.addAll(authorizationHeader); final response = await _client.delete(buildFullUri(path), headers: headers);"DEL $path => ${response.statusCode}${response.statusCode >= 300 ? ": ${response.body}" : ""}"); return response; } Future patch(String path, {Object? body, Map? headers}) async { headers ??= {}; headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; headers.addAll(authorizationHeader); final response = await _client.patch(buildFullUri(path), headers: headers, body: body);"PAT $path => ${response.statusCode}${response.statusCode >= 300 ? ": ${response.body}" : ""}"); return response; } }