import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:contacts_plus_plus/apis/friend_api.dart'; import 'package:contacts_plus_plus/apis/message_api.dart'; import 'package:contacts_plus_plus/apis/user_api.dart'; import 'package:contacts_plus_plus/clients/notification_client.dart'; import 'package:contacts_plus_plus/models/authentication_data.dart'; import 'package:contacts_plus_plus/models/friend.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:contacts_plus_plus/clients/api_client.dart'; import 'package:contacts_plus_plus/config.dart'; import 'package:contacts_plus_plus/models/message.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:workmanager/workmanager.dart'; enum EventType { unknown, message, unknown1, unknown2, unknown3, unknown4, keepAlive, error; } enum EventTarget { unknown, messageSent, receiveMessage, messagesRead; factory EventTarget.parse(String? text) { if (text == null) return EventTarget.unknown; return EventTarget.values.firstWhere((element) => == text.toLowerCase(), orElse: () => EventTarget.unknown, ); } } class MessagingClient extends ChangeNotifier { static const String eofChar = ""; static const String _negotiationPacket = "{\"protocol\":\"json\", \"version\":1}$eofChar"; static const List _reconnectTimeoutsSeconds = [0, 5, 10, 20, 60]; static const String taskName = "periodic-unread-check"; static const Duration _autoRefreshDuration = Duration(seconds: 90); static const Duration _refreshTimeoutDuration = Duration(seconds: 30); final ApiClient _apiClient; final Map _friendsCache = {}; final List _sortedFriendsCache = []; // Keep a sorted copy so as to not have to sort during build() final Map _messageCache = {}; final Map> _unreads = {}; final Logger _logger = Logger("NeosHub"); final Workmanager _workmanager = Workmanager(); final NotificationClient _notificationClient; Friend? selectedFriend; Timer? _notifyOnlineTimer; Timer? _autoRefresh; Timer? _refreshTimeout; int _attempts = 0; WebSocket? _wsChannel; bool _isConnecting = false; String? _initStatus; String? get initStatus => _initStatus; bool get websocketConnected => _wsChannel != null; MessagingClient({required ApiClient apiClient, required NotificationClient notificationClient}) : _apiClient = apiClient, _notificationClient = notificationClient { refreshFriendsListWithErrorHandler(); startWebsocket(); _notifyOnlineTimer = Timer.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 60), (timer) async { // We should probably let the MessagingClient handle the entire state of USerStatus instead of mirroring like this // but I don't feel like implementing that right now. UserApi.setStatus(apiClient, status: await UserApi.getUserStatus(apiClient, userId: apiClient.userId)); }); } @override void dispose() { _autoRefresh?.cancel(); _refreshTimeout?.cancel(); _notifyOnlineTimer?.cancel(); _wsChannel?.close(); super.dispose(); } void _sendData(data) { if (_wsChannel == null) throw "Neos Hub is not connected"; _wsChannel!.add(jsonEncode(data)+eofChar); } void resetStatus() { _initStatus = null; notifyListeners(); } void refreshFriendsListWithErrorHandler () async { try { await refreshFriendsList(); } catch (e) { _initStatus = "$e"; notifyListeners(); } } Future refreshFriendsList() async { if (_refreshTimeout?.isActive == true) return; _autoRefresh?.cancel(); _autoRefresh = Timer(_autoRefreshDuration, () => refreshFriendsList()); _refreshTimeout?.cancel(); _refreshTimeout = Timer(_refreshTimeoutDuration, () {}); final unreadMessages = await MessageApi.getUserMessages(_apiClient, unreadOnly: true); updateAllUnreads(unreadMessages.toList()); final friends = await FriendApi.getFriendsList(_apiClient); _friendsCache.clear(); for (final friend in friends) { _friendsCache[] = friend; } _sortedFriendsCache.clear(); _sortedFriendsCache.addAll(friends); _sortFriendsCache(); _initStatus = ""; notifyListeners(); } void _sortFriendsCache() { _sortedFriendsCache.sort((a, b) { var aVal = friendHasUnreads(a) ? -3 : 0; var bVal = friendHasUnreads(b) ? -3 : 0; aVal -= a.latestMessageTime.compareTo(b.latestMessageTime); aVal += a.userStatus.onlineStatus.compareTo(b.userStatus.onlineStatus) * 2; return aVal.compareTo(bVal); }); } void updateAllUnreads(List messages) { _unreads.clear(); for (final msg in messages) { if (msg.senderId != _apiClient.userId) { final value = _unreads[msg.senderId]; if (value == null) { _unreads[msg.senderId] = [msg]; } else { value.add(msg); } } } } void addUnread(Message message) { var messages = _unreads[message.senderId]; if (messages == null) { messages = [message]; _unreads[message.senderId] = messages; } else { messages.add(message); } messages.sort(); _sortFriendsCache(); _notificationClient.showUnreadMessagesNotification(messages.reversed); notifyListeners(); } void clearUnreadsForUser(String userId) { _unreads[userId]?.clear(); notifyListeners(); } List getUnreadsForFriend(Friend friend) => _unreads[] ?? []; bool friendHasUnreads(Friend friend) => _unreads.containsKey(; bool messageIsUnread(Message message) { return _unreads[message.senderId]?.any((element) => == ?? false; } Friend? getAsFriend(String userId) => _friendsCache[userId]; List get cachedFriends => _sortedFriendsCache; MessageCache _createUserMessageCache(String userId) => MessageCache(apiClient: _apiClient, userId: userId); Future loadUserMessageCache(String userId) async { final cache = getUserMessageCache(userId) ?? _createUserMessageCache(userId); await cache.loadMessages(); _messageCache[userId] = cache; notifyListeners(); } void _updateFriend(Friend friend) { _friendsCache[] = friend; final sIndex = _sortedFriendsCache.indexWhere((element) => ==; if (sIndex == -1) { _sortedFriendsCache.add(friend); } else { _sortedFriendsCache[sIndex] = friend; } _sortFriendsCache(); } Future updateFriendStatus(String userId) async { final friend = getAsFriend(userId); if (friend == null) return; final newStatus = await UserApi.getUserStatus(_apiClient, userId: userId); _updateFriend(friend.copyWith(userStatus: newStatus)); notifyListeners(); } MessageCache? getUserMessageCache(String userId) => _messageCache[userId]; static Future backgroundCheckUnreads(Map? inputData) async { if (inputData == null) return; final auth = AuthenticationData.fromMap(inputData); final unreads = await MessageApi.getUserMessages(ApiClient(authenticationData: auth), unreadOnly: true); for (var message in unreads) { throw UnimplementedError(); } } Future _updateNotificationTask(int minuteInterval) async { final auth = _apiClient.authenticationData; if (!auth.isAuthenticated) throw "Unauthenticated"; await _workmanager.cancelByUniqueName(taskName); _workmanager.registerPeriodicTask( taskName, taskName, frequency: Duration(minutes: minuteInterval), inputData: auth.toMap(), ); } void _onDisconnected(error) async { _wsChannel = null; _logger.warning("Neos Hub connection died with error '$error', reconnecting..."); await startWebsocket(); } Future startWebsocket() async { if (!_apiClient.isAuthenticated) {"Tried to connect to Neos Hub without authentication, this is probably fine for now."); return; } if (_isConnecting) { return; } _isConnecting = true; _wsChannel = await _tryConnect(); _isConnecting = false;"Connected to Neos Hub."); _wsChannel!.done.then((error) => _onDisconnected(error)); _wsChannel!.listen(_handleEvent, onDone: () => _onDisconnected("Connection closed."), onError: _onDisconnected); _wsChannel!.add(_negotiationPacket); } Future _tryConnect() async { while (true) { try { final http.Response response; try { response = await Uri.parse("${Config.neosHubUrl}/negotiate"), headers: _apiClient.authorizationHeader, ); ApiClient.checkResponse(response); } catch (e) { throw "Failed to acquire connection info from Neos API: $e"; } final body = jsonDecode(response.body); final url = (body["url"] as String?)?.replaceFirst("https://", "wss://"); final wsToken = body["accessToken"]; if (url == null || wsToken == null) { throw "Invalid response from server."; } final ws = await WebSocket.connect("$url&access_token=$wsToken"); _attempts = 0; return ws; } catch (e) { final timeout = _reconnectTimeoutsSeconds[_attempts.clamp(0, _reconnectTimeoutsSeconds.length - 1)]; _logger.severe(e); _logger.severe("Retrying in $timeout seconds"); await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: timeout)); _attempts++; } } } void _handleEvent(event) { final body = jsonDecode((event.toString().replaceAll(eofChar, ""))); final int rawType = body["type"] ?? 0; if (rawType > EventType.values.length) {"Unhandled event type $rawType: $body"); return; } switch (EventType.values[rawType]) { case EventType.unknown1: case EventType.unknown2: case EventType.unknown3: case EventType.unknown4: case EventType.unknown:"Received unknown event: $rawType: $body"); break; case EventType.message:"Received message-event."); _handleMessageEvent(body); break; case EventType.keepAlive:"Received keep-alive."); break; case EventType.error: _logger.severe("Received error-event: ${body["error"]}"); // Should we trigger a manual reconnect here or just let the remote service close the connection? break; } } void _handleMessageEvent(body) async { final target = EventTarget.parse(body["target"]); final args = body["arguments"]; switch (target) { case EventTarget.unknown:"Unknown event-target in message: $body"); return; case EventTarget.messageSent: final msg = args[0]; final message = Message.fromMap(msg, withState: MessageState.sent); final cache = getUserMessageCache(message.recipientId) ?? _createUserMessageCache(message.recipientId); cache.addMessage(message); notifyListeners(); break; case EventTarget.receiveMessage: final msg = args[0]; final message = Message.fromMap(msg); final cache = getUserMessageCache(message.senderId) ?? _createUserMessageCache(message.senderId); cache.addMessage(message); if (message.senderId != selectedFriend?.id) { addUnread(message); updateFriendStatus(message.senderId); } notifyListeners(); break; case EventTarget.messagesRead: final messageIds = args[0]["ids"] as List; final recipientId = args[0]["recipientId"]; if (recipientId == null) break; final cache = getUserMessageCache(recipientId); if (cache == null) break; for (var id in messageIds) { cache.setMessageState(id,; } notifyListeners(); break; } } void sendMessage(Message message) async { final msgBody = message.toMap(); final data = { "type": EventType.message.index, "target": "SendMessage", "arguments": [ msgBody ], }; _sendData(data); final cache = getUserMessageCache(message.recipientId) ?? _createUserMessageCache(message.recipientId); cache.messages.add(message); notifyListeners(); } void markMessagesRead(MarkReadBatch batch) { final msgBody = batch.toMap(); final data = { "type": EventType.message.index, "target": "MarkMessagesRead", "arguments": [ msgBody ], }; _sendData(data); clearUnreadsForUser(batch.senderId); } }