2023-05-02 16:50:35 -04:00
import ' dart:convert ' ;
2023-05-03 15:55:34 -04:00
import ' package:contacts_plus_plus/clients/api_client.dart ' ;
2023-05-02 16:50:35 -04:00
import ' package:contacts_plus_plus/auxiliary.dart ' ;
import ' package:contacts_plus_plus/models/message.dart ' ;
import ' package:contacts_plus_plus/models/session.dart ' ;
import ' package:contacts_plus_plus/widgets/generic_avatar.dart ' ;
2023-05-03 15:55:34 -04:00
import ' package:contacts_plus_plus/widgets/messages_list.dart ' ;
2023-05-02 16:50:35 -04:00
import ' package:flutter/material.dart ' ;
import ' package:intl/intl.dart ' ;
class MessageSessionInvite extends StatelessWidget {
MessageSessionInvite ( { required this . message , super . key } ) ;
final DateFormat _dateFormat = DateFormat . Hm ( ) ;
final Message message ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
final sessionInfo = Session . fromMap ( jsonDecode ( message . content ) ) ;
return TextButton (
onPressed: ( ) {
showDialog ( context: context , builder: ( context ) = > SessionPopup ( session: sessionInfo ) ) ;
} ,
style: TextButton . styleFrom ( padding: EdgeInsets . zero ) ,
child: Container (
padding: const EdgeInsets . only ( left: 10 ) ,
constraints: const BoxConstraints ( maxWidth: 300 ) ,
child: Column (
children: [
Row (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . min ,
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment . spaceBetween ,
children: [
Expanded (
child: Text ( sessionInfo . name , maxLines: null , softWrap: true , style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . titleMedium , ) ,
) ,
Padding (
padding: const EdgeInsets . symmetric ( horizontal: 8.0 ) ,
child: Column (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . max ,
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment . center ,
children: [
GenericAvatar (
imageUri: Aux . neosDbToHttp ( Aux . neosDbToHttp ( sessionInfo . thumbnail ) ) ,
placeholderIcon: Icons . no_photography ,
) ,
const SizedBox ( height: 4 , ) ,
Text ( " ${ sessionInfo . sessionUsers . length } / ${ sessionInfo . maxUsers } " )
] ,
) ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
const SizedBox ( height: 8 , ) ,
Row (
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment . spaceBetween ,
children: [
Expanded ( child: Text ( " Hosted by ${ sessionInfo . hostUsername } " , overflow: TextOverflow . ellipsis , style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodySmall ? . copyWith ( color: Colors . white60 ) , ) ) ,
Padding (
padding: const EdgeInsets . symmetric ( horizontal: 4.0 ) ,
child: Text (
_dateFormat . format ( message . sendTime ) ,
style: Theme
. of ( context )
. textTheme
. labelMedium
? . copyWith ( color: Colors . white54 ) ,
) ,
) ,
const SizedBox ( width: 4 , ) ,
2023-05-03 15:55:34 -04:00
if ( message . senderId = = ClientHolder . of ( context ) . apiClient . userId ) Padding (
2023-05-02 16:50:35 -04:00
padding: const EdgeInsets . only ( right: 12.0 ) ,
child: MessageStateIndicator ( messageState: message . state ) ,
) ,
] ,
] ,
) ,
) ,
) ;